Welcome to Kori Family Dentistry

We provide the following dental services to the communities of Woodbridge, Dale City, Occoquan, Belmont Bay, Dumfries, Triangle, Montclair, Lake Ridge, West Ridge, Southbridge and Stafford. Good dental health and regular check-ups are recommended for every patient. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

clear correct teeth braces woodbridge va
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Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Clear Correct Braces -

    Clear aligner therapy involves a series of clear removable retainers that shift your teeth gradually resulting in a beautiful smile. It is best suited to treat unwanted crowding and spacing of teeth. Dr. Kori will take photos, x-rays, and impressions of your teeth and prescribe tooth movement customized for you.

    • Can I pay for ClearCorrect aligners with an FSA or HSA? Generally, yes. Funds from flex spending accounts and health savings accounts can be applied to orthodontic appliances like clear aligners.

    • Payment Plan? Our office will work with you to offer a payment plan to help make it affordable.

    • How often should I wear aligners? Wear aligners as directed by Dr. Kori—usually two to three weeks per step, at least 22 hours per day. Take them out to eat and brush your teeth.

    • How long does treatment take? This varies from patient to patient. Treatment can take anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the case.

    • How visible are clear aligners? Clear aligners are completely transparent, which makes them much more discreet than metal braces. People usually don’t notice them. They’re not magic, however—you can see them at close range if you know what to look for.

    • Does ClearCorrect treat patients directly? No. ClearCorrect manufactures aligners based on prescriptions from Dr. Kori. You and your dentist play the biggest role in ensuring the success of your treatment.

    • Does ClearCorrect guarantee perfect results? Most patients do experience significant improvement in their smiles, but it’s impossible to guarantee the outcome of any orthodontic treatment. Your results may vary. Your treatment may also require crowns or veneers.

    • Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment? Yes! Dr. Kori will prescribe a retainer in order to prevent relapse of the orthodontic treatment that was provided. It is highly crucial that you wear it at night.

  • Dental Crowns -

    A crown is a cap that is shaped like a tooth to protect and strengthen a tooth with a large filling, cracked tooth, or a tooth with excessive decay or wear. It is cemented onto a tooth and can only be removed by a dentist. Crowns are also placed on top of dental implants to create the look and function of a tooth.

  • Bonding -

    Bonding is the application of a tooth colored filling to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured, or discolored tooth. Most often, bonding is used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of a discolored or chipped tooth. Bonding can be done in a single visit to our office.

  • Natural Tooth Colored Fillings -

    Fillings help restore teeth damaged by decay back to their normal function, and can prevent further decay. Dr. Kori will consider a number of factors when choosing which type of filling material is best for you. These factors include the extent of the repair, where in your mouth the filling is needed and the cost.

  • Veneers -

    These are thin custom made shells of porcelain bonded to the front of teeth to improve their appearance. They are a great option for masking stained, chipped, or spaced teeth giving you an amazing smile.

  • Teeth Whitening -

    Just about anyone can benefit from tooth whitening. However, treatment may not be as effective for some as it is for others. With an oral exam, Dr. Kori can determine if you are a candidate for this procedure, including a shade assessment.

General & Family Dentistry

  • Comprehensive Exams -

    Comprehensive exams are the standard of care in dental offices today. Initial exams include review of your medical history and Dr. Kori will evaluate existing restorations, tooth decay, and any bone loss. She will discuss with you the condition of your teeth and any treatment along with your options that are best suited and customized for you! These are necessary and important steps in providing quality dental care.

  • Oral Cancer Screenings -

    We clean and fix your teeth, however, there is much more to your dental visit. Dr. Kori will perform an oral cancer screening checking for any lumps, bumps, or changes in the hard or soft tissues of the oral cavity.

  • Digital X-Rays -

    We offer one of the latest technological advances in dentistry with digital radiography. A sensor is placed in the mouth and an x-ray is taken. A computer generates an image with-in seconds as opposed to the general 4-6 minute wait time for images taken on dental film. Digital x-rays allow us to see everything we cannot see with our own eyes: cavities in between your teeth and health of bone. We can also examine the roots and nerves of teeth, diagnose lesions such as cysts and tumors, as well as assess damage when trauma occurs. You will also receive less radiation with digital x-rays as you would with traditional film.

  • Extractions -

    The extraction of a tooth can be necessary for a number of reasons including severe decay and advanced periodontal disease. Teeth can also break in a way that cannot be restored. Often teeth that are poorly positioned are removed in preparation for orthodontic treatment.

  • Professional Teeth Cleanings -

    Professional dental cleanings form the foundation for preventing gum disease and tooth decay. Dental cleanings remove buildup and stain above your gum line. If buildup appears below the gum line, it indicates gum disease and often requires a more involved type of treatment. Preventing disease is certainly preferable to treating disease! Our office uses newer technology providing gentler cleanings. We also follow the new CDC guidelines. Our Piezo scaler comes with removable sleeves that are autoclaved after each patient!

  • Periodontal / Gum Disease Treatment -

    Gum disease manifests itself as swelling or soreness of the soft tissue around the teeth. It is caused by the bacteria in plaque, a sticky, colorless film that forms on your teeth. The plaque bacteria have toxins that inflame the gums, can cause bleeding, and damages the bone and connective tissue that supports the teeth. Accumulation of plaque and tartar (long standing calcified plaque) covering the teeth are the beginning stages of gum disease.

  • Cold Sore Treatment -

    Cold sores - you might hear them called fever blisters --are proof that life can be unfair. They’re caused by the herpes simplex virus and are itchy and painful. There are ways to treat and prevent them.

  • Crowns -

    When your dental care requires a crown, the reasons will usually is to replace a missing tooth, restore a tooth to its original shape, to strengthen a tooth, to improve the cosmetic appearance of a tooth, to protect a tooth following root canal treatment. Crowns and bridges are very reliable solutions for major dental problems caused by accidents, diseases or wear. Small defects in a tooth can be restored with a filling, but extensive damage requires the durability and reliability that crowns offer.

  • Custom Night Guards -

    A night guard is recommended when there are signs of grinding (loss of enamel) noted on the biting surfaces of your teeth. A custom fit insures that the placement of the guard is appropriate as each person’s set of teeth is different and there are no two alike. The night guard should be used regularly for the best results possible.

Restorative Dentistry

  • Dental Implant Restorations –

    Dental implant is an artificial tooth root, typically a titanium screw, that is placed into your jaw bone to hold a replacement tooth or a bridge or denture to restore multiple missing teeth. Dental implants last longer than alternatives like bridges and dentures, and they look more natural, too. Once we have met for a consultation and conducted an X-ray or CT scan, we will establish where the teeth are to be placed before we surgically place the implants in your mouth. If you are interested in dental implants, get in touch with us today to arrange a consultation. We will speak you in depth about your dental history, your requirements and concerns and explain all your treatment options to you so can come to an informed decision. Call today to find out more about our dental implant services.

  • Full & Partial Dentures -

    Missing teeth can negatively affect eating, speaking, and the aesthetics of your smile. They can also cause your jaw to lose bone mass, your remaining teeth to shift, and our face to suffer alterations in appearance. Dentures restore the look and function of your smile and we custom-craft them just for you. Today’s dentures are natural-looking, more comfortable and last for decades with proper care. Crafting a custom denture is a multi-step process. We take all the steps to ensure a superior fit and natural-looking result. We also make your visits efficient and comfortable. If you are missing only a few teeth, partial dentures (replacing a few teeth) may be a great choice for you. If you are missing more teeth, complete dentures may be needed.

Pediatric Dentistry

  • Comprehensive Exams -

    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) all recommend a dental visit by your child's first birthday (and we do, too!). Proper care for baby teeth fosters good nutrition by permitting proper chewing, aids speech development and helps proper development of permanent teeth by saving space for them. Dr. Kori can detect early tooth decay, provide parents with information on proper oral and facial development, determine fluoride needs and more! Delayed diagnosis of dental disease or undetected and untreated tooth decay can result in problems (infection, loss of teeth), leading to more extensive and costly care.

  • Digital Xrays –

    Our dental hygienists will also take X-rays and look for abnormalities in the child’s teeth or mouth affecting the child’s bite. When the hygienist is done cleaning, the Dr. Kori will conduct further examination of the gums and mouth for signs of impacted teeth and gum disease.

  • Oral Hygiene -

    Oral hygiene means maintenance of the mouth, teeth and gums. Oral hygiene is made up of at-home daily maintenance and regular visits by your child to your dentist. The daily brushing and flossing you do at home combined with the professional cleanings provided by your dentist and dental hygienist will ensure you keep your child’s baby and natural teeth for a life time.

  • Fluoride Treatments -

    Fluoride is naturally present in teeth and strengthens teeth while also preventing teeth decay. Brushing with toothpaste containing fluoride twice a day and flossing goes a long way in preventing tooth decay. It is recommended that you brush prior to going to bed so the fluoride can remain on your teeth during the night. Brush at least twice a day beginning when teeth come in (especially after meals/snacks/juice/milk and before bedtime). Floss your child's teeth once a day (extra well for teeth that touch).Make sure you child eats a well balanced diet and limit juice and snacks, eliminate gum with sugar, soft drinks, and taffy-like candy. Visit Dr. Kori regularly beginning with an initial exam by 12 months of age. Get fluoride via drinking water, fluoride products or supplements if necessary.

  • Sealants -

    Sealants are a plastic material that is placed in the pits and fissures of the chewing surfaces of your teeth, particularly the molars at the back because toothbrushes can’t reach all the way into the grooves to clean well. Children are notoriously bad brushers and tend to ignore the problem areas in the back of the mouth that lead to cavities and decay, making them the prime target market for sealants. (However, if adults have certain problem areas that could be cured with sealants, this could be an option for them too.) The American Dental Association recommends that children receive dental sealants as soon as their adult teeth erupt.

  • Tooth Colored Fillings –

    Once decay is removed from a tooth, a tooth colored filling is placed to restore a tooth back to its normal shape and function. Dr. Kori is great at selecting a shade that is closest to your natural tooth. You won’t even notice your new filling!

  • Extractions -

    The situation with a child is very different. Dr. Kori will determine if the tooth is primary tooth that is close to being lost naturally? If a “baby” tooth is involved, it is important to know the facts. A primary tooth is critical to forming correct speech patterns, chewing correctly, and maintaining space for the permanent tooth to erupt. Losing the tooth too soon can interrupt the natural growing process … remaining teeth can drift toward the open space creating problems when the permanent tooth is ready to come in. If the primary tooth is loose, extraction would likely be recommended. There is no reason to try to salvage a tooth that will be naturally lost very soon anyway. When a child is experiencing a problem with a permanent tooth, Dr. Kori will x-ray the tooth to determine the extent of decay or infection. When root canal therapy is indicated, Dr. Kori will take the time to explain to parent and patient what is involved. Taking your child for their first dental appointment around the age of one will help familiarize your child with the dental experience. This can be important when dental treatment is needed determining whether your child will be uneasy or be able to handle this appointment with ease.